Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Using a high quality Sony camera and tri pod for our film opening made the production process appear a lot more legitimate to us as film makers. One thing we experimented with in the first cut was the depth of field we were able to achieve with this particular camera. The picture below is evidence of this, with the main focus of the shot being the bench leg and making the main protagonist blurry in comparison. This suggests a lack of importance and personal identity, which matches the thoughts and feelings of the character, showing that we fully utilised the technology we were given to provide a sense of variety in shot types to make it seem less repetitive. 

A problem we ran into with the tri pod was that it was quite stiff, which made the panning shots quite jagged and inconsistent. Because we didn't have access to a different one we made do by doing multiple takes for every shot, which was also an insurance policy in case a shot was accidently deleted during post production. After filming we used iMac computers and a software called iMovie, which turned out to be quite simplistic and easy to use, because it saved all of our progress automatically so that there was no chance of us loosing any good footage.

Through all three stages of production, I found that our group worked well together, constantly collaborating on the best compromise with all of us taking turns at directing and pitching our ideas to each other.

Another important piece of technology that we used was Blogger to place all of our coursework for this topic, which I found to be very helpful because I could access it from anywhere with an internet connection, which provided me with more time and opportunities to get the coursework completed.

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