Wednesday 30 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As a mainstream company, it's likely to have one of 'The Big Six' Hollywood companies distribute our film. This is because they're so well known throughout the media industry, and have a wide variety of recourses at their disposal to make sure that the film at the very least breaks even at the box office. A company such as 'N.B.C. Universal' is a good example of whom we'd expect to distribute our film, with 'Universal' having recently celebrated their 100th birthday they have a large amount of experience in the film industry and therefore knows what particular elements it takes to make films a critical and financial success. This can range from above and below advertising to celebrity endorsement, all of which aiding in making the film memorable. Another advantage to using such a big company to distribute our film is that their name in itself will carry a good reputation of producing and/or distributing iconic films that the studio is then remembered for, such as 'Paramount Pictures' and 'The Godfather.'

With both the celebrity endorsement and our mainstream studio producing it, it's clear that our film is targeted at a mainstream audience rather than niche, with our narrative incorporating multiple themes so that a majority of people can take something away from it, whether it be the writing, cinematography, moral message etc. With 'Remorse' being a realistic and gritty drama, it means there are less opportunities for merchandising and the expansion of a franchise, with the end of the narrative being very conclusive in relation to the characters and their story arcs.

After the film has been released in multiple regions across the world in cinemas, the next stage would be to wait approximately six months (as a lot of Hollywood films have been seen to do) in order to make the public anxious and keen to buy our film. Similarly to 'Gravity,' we will also release DVD copies before the Blu-ray release, in the hope that they'll feel compelled to by both copies, as the Blu-ray has more special features. We will make these copies available in all the countries in which it played in cinemas, both in stores and online to maximise our profit margin. Finally, a year after the original release, we will sell the rights of the film to streaming facilities, such as Netflix and Lovefilm to permit the curiosity and intrigue of those who haven't previously seen it or merely as a convenience over having a DVD or Blur ray copy.

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