Wednesday 30 April 2014

Evaluation: Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our opening sequence, we've represented young adult males as uncertain and regretful. The slow and heavy body language of the main protagonist highlights this sense of burden and regret, walking with a lack of purpose and looking at the naturalistic surroundings carelessly and in a mourning way does, however, convey them as quite sophisticated and mature in that respect. This is a stereotypical representation of young adult males being ambitious and with a smarter appearance than teenagers and children, but also lack the life experience of middle aged adults. We also used a low angle shot during the opening to display the physical dominance of the main protagonist, which links back to the stereotypical male being very strong, in comparison to the vulnerability of females.

Our narrative is told from the perspective of this main protagonist from both the non-diegetic voice over and the fact that the events in the film follow the repercussions of that character. This links to our target audience also being teenagers and young adults, to reflect the main protagonist, because they are most likely to empathise for the character and therefore have an emotional connection to our film. By incorporating verisimilitude, with the common and naturalistic setting that's also reflected in the dark colours of the character's suit, the audience will also find the narrative and how it's presented more relatable because of it's realism and similarities to real life.

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