Sunday 16 February 2014

Certification - 2014

This logo represents the Universal certification that is placed upon films with no restrictions, in terms of age rating (4 years and over), and a consistently positive atmosphere. 'U' rated films are suitable for all ages, with a very minimal amount, or often merely implied, discrimination, drugs, bad behaviour, language, nudity, sex, threat and violence. If these negative messages ever do appear on screen, they must have no empathise on realism and only be present for a brief amount of time. An example of a U rated film can be seen in 'Toy Story.' With the narrative being based around the relationship between a child and their toys, it is quickly apparent that the target audience is young children because they will find the film more relatable than other age groups.  

 This logo represents the Parental guidance certification, linked with films that are suitable for people of approximately 8 years of age and above. Because parents are aware and cater to any particular needs there children may have, this logo advises adults to be cautious as to whether or not they should accompany their child when viewing the film. Like the Universal rating, in terms of content, bad behaviour, drugs etc. must be infrequent however they are slightly more strongly implied, in terms of application. For example, with a 'U' rating, discrimination may only be present for historical and factual purposes, however with a PG they can make references to misuse, within a constructed narrative. An example of a PG rated film can be seen in 'Ocean's Thirteen.' Although it deals with the criminal aspect of theft, it never elaborates on the darker elements within this concept, portraying it in a humorous and justified light and therefore having no negative impact on it's audience.

This logo represents films that are for people of 12 ages and over and used only in cinemas, also meaning children under this age can view a film of the same rating, however they must be accompanied by an adult, as a form of consent and reassurance; if the logo does not have the 'A' within it, then it's deemed unsuitable for children under 12. In terms of DVD and Blu-ray rentals/purchases, a person must be of 12 years of age or over to buy a film with rating, because extra content, such as extended scenes and/or added commentary may be unsuitable for younger audiences. The previously mentioned bad themes can be used more frequently and detailed but not be shown in a glamorous or realistic light. Extreme behaviour, such as rape, must be discreet, brief and in context with the narrative. An example of a 12/12A rated film can be seen in 'Sherlock Holmes.' It fits into this category because the main subject matter is solving intriguing, and often gruesome, murders which is a more adult subject matter than what the previous films deal with but doesn't go into detail with the injuries that accompanied the deaths.

This logo represents films that are only suitable for people at the age of 15 and over, due to more consistent and extreme bad language, no constraints on nudity (as long as it's non-sexual or educational), portrayal of sexual activity, strong threat and horror and equally strong violence, including from a sexual perspective, justified with context. Any range of drugs can be shown to be used by characters, both medicinal and recreational, unless they imply a sense of promotion and encouragement to take such drugs. Controversial actions, like suicides, can be shown but must not fixate on detail, to avoid mirroring those very actions in reality. An example of a 15 rated film can be seen in 'Layer Cake.' The film earns this rating because it elaborates on the drug aspect of crime and presents it in quite a positive light, when it comes to being a high source of income, as well as the film containing more gory detail in relation to violence.

This logo is used for films that are restricted for people under the age of 18, because the only limitations in the films content are acts that are harmful yet presented in an enjoyable way. For example when very detailed and violent scenes are constructed in an appealing way, making the viewer feel tempted to try such illegal actions. R18 ratings are similar, however they are targeted at more explicitly sexual content and are therefore are only shown in specially licensed cinemas and/or sex shops. An example of an 18 rated film can be seen in 'Lawless.' This also deals with crime but it focuses more on the violent consequences of working with criminals, resulting in very intense action and torture sequences.

This information has helped us, when it comes to deciding which specific age rating is best suited for the genre and more importantly the narrative we have chosen, because a lot of the time a films rating depends on how the film makers tell the story. If they expressed darker and more adultery themes visually than that would directly result in a high age rating. Knowing this, it has now helped us to define our film as a 15 age rating, because although these dark themes are apparent in our narrative they're never elaborated on to the extent of an 18 rating and are more so implied through non-diegetic music and symbolism.

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